Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Notice : Area303 reconstruction.

After almost a year of inactivity, weeds have grown into bushes, trash becoming a hill, and dust grown into dust bunnies. It's time for reorganization.

It's gonna be HOT! More New visual candies! More links! and most of all, more Incredibly Senseless Idiotic Moronic Ludicrous Absurdity!

The sudden increase interest in blogging among my friends reminded be of my abandon property. I totally, really, totally forgot about Area303. Ah well, I'm not those constant blogging type, or those with a lot of interesting stories to tell or funny things to tell type. It's just for fun...

Oh ya that reminds me of my old sites... Yes, sites. Yahoo! got this geocities that allows you to create from scratch, html and all. Kinda' fun to play with that time. Now I just freaking lazy to do it again.

So, plans to reconstruct Area303 have already begun!
Please give suggestions or comments!
I'll have my personal assistant Mr. Bunny here to convince you to do so.


  1. Ho, finally back in the business!
    Let the imbecility begin!!

    Like that also can forget about your blog.. BEN DAAAOO.....

  2. Haha, since the last post went to do industrial training mah. ^^ Forgot about it since then >.<


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